Our vision

Building Overcomers Wellness Services, is a collaborative effort between individuals with personal experiences surviving, recovering from, and overcoming behavioral health issues, domestic violence, and addiction. Each one of us has been involved with the mental health, substance abuse, and wellness industries as consumers, professionals, and administrators. A series of pre-destined events brought us all together. Each of our unique perspectives on and insight into the wellness community along with our various skill sets and expertise fertilized the seed of an idea that would sprout to become the “BOWS Center”.

About us

Although our journeys were different, with each one of our roads having been paved with its own challenges and circumstances. We all arrived at the same destination…..WELLNESS! Bound together by our collective experience, motivated by an urgent desire to assist people to achieve their own wellness. We undertook the mission of providing quality service to our clients, providing them with the tools, resources, and knowledge of their own wellness journeys. We all share a belief in the power of hope and the ability of people to change their situations. We envision a future where each person can live their truth in wellness, free from stigma, discrimination, and judgment. That is why our ultimate goal is to help other people excel by building overcomers and targeting wellness as a whole.



We ask that we hold each other
accountable on this journey


We lead by our Caring Counts Initiative as we believe to treat you as a “whole”


We nurture and support a diverse
center that value the different training
styles so we stay inclusive to all